Back To Godhead: New Vrindaban’s 50th Anniversary 2018 (Album…
→ Dandavats

Back To Godhead: New Vrindaban’s 50th Anniversary 2018 (Album with photos)
For the first time in 37 years, New Vrindaban is the featured article on the front cover of the Jan/Feb 2018 issue of Back To Godhead magazine. Perfect timing, as the village residents and well-wishers, begin their 50th-anniversary celebrations!
Find them here:

Sheltered from maya
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 January 2018, Radhadesh, Belgium, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.17-21)

No one is so powerful that he is not influenced by maya, the illusory energy. Even Lord Brahma can sometimes become bewildered by illusory energy. Therefore we can never think, Oh well, now I have been a devotee for ninety-nine years and maya cannot touch me. What can maya do to me? It does not affect me. I am a bhakti yogi.”

No. We should understand what Srila Prabhupada mentions about Ajamila – Ajamila was a qualified brahmana, Ajamila went through gurukula, Ajamila was properly trained, he was highly learned but when Ajamila came face-to-face with maya, Ajamila fell down. Srila Prabhupada said, “If Ajamila fell down then what is our chance? How can we not fall down?”

But we are chanting the holy name. Ajamila was at namabhasa (the clearing stage of chanting Hare Krsna); not at a sadhana like how we are chanting and that protects us but that is not all. We have the mercy of Lord Caitanya who interferes, who is right there. Every time maya attacks us then Lord Caitanya gets in-between and blocks it, he is protecting us. In that way, we are somehow or other able to stand in the face of maya, weak as we are.


Shantipur celebration!! (Album with photos) Bhakti Chaitanya…
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Shantipur celebration!! (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: Today was the anniversary of Advaita Acarya’s celebration of Madhavendra Puri’s appearance day, in the presence of Lord Caitanya, in Shantipur. About 40 bus loads of devotees went there and served prasadam to thousands of local dhamavasis.
Find them here:

Confessions of a Prasadam Addict
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Hare KrishnaBy Taru Das

In a few short years, it has all taken on the quality of a legend. Nobody really believes the stories of what we used to eat, how much we used to eat, the austerities of cooking outdoors. It all seems like a myth. Sometimes new devotees still come up to me and say, “I hear you used to eat ninety chapatis a day”. I just kind of shrug my shoulders and smile and mumble that everybody used to eat a lot more then. (The truth of the matter is that one time I kept count up to seventy and then gave up counting). But who’s going to believe that. anyways? Better to let it remain a myth. Continue reading "Confessions of a Prasadam Addict
→ Dandavats"

Weakened Standards Weaken ISKCON
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Hare KrishnaBy Malati Devi Dasi

Less reading of Srila Prabhupada's books, minimizing his position by more elaborate guru-pujas than SP's guru-puja, introduction of new, unauthorized literature, demigod and non Vaishnava worship in Iskcon temples, Indian social customs like rakhi, minimizing prasadam standards, inappropriate items offered to the deities like frozen vegetables, relaxed sexual behavior, improper decorations of the Deities, non traditional kirtans by chanting names non associated with Lord Krishna and more. Continue reading "Weakened Standards Weaken ISKCON
→ Dandavats"

Yoga tells us to become observers of our attachment and aversion – what does bhakti tell?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast

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Gita 17.11 Focus not on expectation from the world, focus on contribution from yourself.mp3
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

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“What India can offer to the world” – Tech talk at MMU Ambala
→ The Spiritual Scientist


Tech talk at MMU, Ambala

His Grace Chaitanya Charan recently gave a Tech talk on
“What India can offer to the world?” at MMU, Ambala.
This was an interview conducted by a TV news channel after the Tech talk.
In the talk he spoke about
– His experiences of how he discovered the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita?
– How the Gita’s wisdom can help us to conquer the corruption of the software of the mind that is afflicting millions all over the world?
– How he has experienced people being benefited by the practice of Bhagavad Gita during his travels all over the world.

The talk was very well received and the YouTube video will be published in the TEDx channel in about a month’s time.

It telecasted in the 7 pm news at Khabrain Abhi Tak news channel.


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Remembering My Guru Maharaja
→ A Convenient Truth

The past few days have been rather heavy for me. I’ve been meditating on my Guru Maharaja more intensely than usual. Perhaps it’s because we just celebrated his Appearance Day (Vyasa-puja) yesterday. I wanted to write him a formal offering, but couldn’t do so yesterday because I was too much of an emotional wreck. I think the part that really did me in was attempting to transcribe one of his final lectures from June 22nd, 2005. It was heart wrenching. The day before that I had compiled all of his old emails to me into one PDF file. It was 87-pages of more heart wrenching! So it was just all of these meditations and reflections going on, what to speak of how much I miss him. And I know that Sri Guru is eternal and always present. I’m not missing that aspect or presence of the Spiritual Master. I’m missing that specific individual jiva that was in the body of Srila Bhakti Tirtha Swami. He has entered into the unmanifest pastimes of Sri Krishna in Sri Vrindavan Dhama. It’s that specific jiva that I am feeling separation from. The apparent physical form of Srila Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja that we could perceive with our eyes was just a spiritualized vessel for him. My longing is not to see that form again. My longing and pain is in not being able to connect with that living being (jiva) again. I miss him so dearly. Here is my attempt at a written offering from the heart:

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to you and to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

On the occasion of your holy Appearance Day I have been reflecting a lot about our relationship. In many ways I look back at it with regret. I see all of the mistakes I made, all of the vows I broke, all of the disappointments I felt, all of the times I let you down, all of the times I ran away from your mercy (one time even literally), all of the times I complained, all of the times I had a selfish mentality in your personal service and all of the times I couldn’t appreciate you or be grateful for your association and service.

I know it’s not healthy to only focus on the negative. I know it’s another trick of maya to make us feel so despondent and hopeless that we give up the process of devotional service. I also know focusing on and wallowing in my misery is simply another form of selfishness.

So on this day I want to focus on the positive things instead. I want to remember the sweetness of our relationship. I want to remember all of the personal association I had with you and all of the sweet exchanges we shared. I want to remember your emails to me not as disappointments or chastisements, but rather as your loving guidance and encouragement. The last time I physically saw you before you left this planet you had apologized to me for being so hard on me and for pushing me too much when I had been your personal servant. I apologized to you and was sorry for my inability to be surrendered and for my selfishness and not being grateful. The fact is you did push me, but it wasn’t out of cruelty or a mean-spirit. It was your genuine love and enthusiasm for the process and you just wanted me to be happy and in that same blissful place that you were residing. You wanted me to stop being so selfish and self-centered and to let go of my mental anxiety and to just surrender to the process. You wanted me to be truly happy and fixed up.

Sometimes I look back and I wonder what would have been if I had just stopped listening to my mind. On several occasions you noted how crazy and powerful my mind was/is. But I can’t sit here wondering about all of the “what ifs”. I can only be here in the present with the choices I made. And even now I can choose to still be with you, to still allow you to guide me. I can choose from this day forward to do the right thing, to stay true to my initiation vows, to try and help others, to be a positive example and force in the world.

Gurudeva, on this Vyasa-puja day of yours I am offering you the gift of my self surrender again. I am re-committing myself to your lotus feet. I am making you the priority again. I am allowing you to sit on the throne of my heart again. Please guide me and direct me. Please give me the strength and determination to stay true to your teachings and to be a glorious example as your disciple and representative. Without your blessings Gurudeva I will surely fail and continue giving in to the dictates of my mind and senses.

By your life’s example you showed us the path and the way to success. You conquered the mind and ultimately conquered death itself. You stayed true to Srila Prabhupada and to the path of Bhakti all the way until the end. I hope in some small way I can repay you and share with others the gifts you gave us. Without your mercy none of this will be possible. Thank you for never giving up on me and more importantly thank you for bringing me back to you.

Your worthless servant,

jayadeva das

Animal Metaphors for understanding the mind – Hindi
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Youth Meeting at ISKCON, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi, India]



Podcast Summary

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Heroes and heroines
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 23 January 2018, Radhadesh, Belgium, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.17-21)

I was reading in the Uddhava Gita where there is a whole list of qualities given. One quality given is heroism. It is said that heroism means to overcome the natural tendency to enjoy the material life; that is a hero! Men and women alike, are heroes and heroines when they give up this tendency to enjoy material life.

In youth, when still very young, when taking up Krsna consciousness, one may wonder “Don’t you know what you are giving up? Those few years that you have, you are so eager to sacrifice them. Are you sure later that you will not regret it? Your youth is what you have. It is a priceless treasure. Nothing can buy that in the world. You’re sure you don’t want to take advantage of it now?”

No, that is for common people, that is for ordinary men and ordinary women. But those who are heroic, they are ready to give up this enjoying propensity.

Krishna conscious program at Techfest
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Krishna conscious program at Techfest (Album with photos)
On December 31st, 2017 Radhanath Swami spoke on ‘A scientific Case Study of Spiritual and Religious Faith’ at Techfest, the annual science and technology festival hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. Techfest is Asia’s largest tech festival with an attendance of approximately 160,000. Over 3000 colleges from around the world participate.

Lord Gauranga’s Gift. By Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur…
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Lord Gauranga’s Gift.
By Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada.
By preaching the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam,
Gaurasundara showed that all so-called great
sampradayas and sadhanas that have appeared in the past
and will continue to appear in the future are extremely
weak and full of cheating. He has also revealed that
the congregational chanting of Krishna’s holy name
is the only way for humanity to achieve its ultimate
benefit. But this chanting should be about Krishna
and for Krishna. Whatever we do to enjoy our senses
is not “Krishna”, and chanting to satisfy the senses of
conditioned souls is not Krsna-kirtana. If we mistake
maya’s kirtan for Krsna-kirtana — a seashell for silver,
an ordinary sound for the holy name — then we have
been deceived!
To read the entire article click here:

Iskcon Center Bharuch Ratha Yatra
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Hare KrishnaBy Jagannath Damodar das

A glorious Rathyatra festival was organised on 24-2-18 in the town of Bharuch ( Bhrigu kuchh). This is a historical place connected way back crores of years back, when Lord Vaaman Dev enacted His wonderful pastimes of covering the whole universe with His two steps and keeping the 3 rd on King Bali's head. In the same way in this Rathyatra, approximately 50 devotees covered the whole area of Bharuch with their powerful 2 foot steps and distributed 3000 loose BTG magazines to the people of Bharuch on behalf of Lord Vaaman Dev. All the senior devotees attended this wonderful Rathyatra, with 3000 persons taking Dinner prasaadam and 10000 persons getting Bundi Prasad packets. Continue reading "Iskcon Center Bharuch Ratha Yatra
→ Dandavats"

Friday, February 23rd, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Toronto, Ontario

Walking the Airport Maze

Every airport interior layout is standardized like the massive one in Delhi, where passengers walk through the duty-free aisles before getting to their gates.  I guess dollars must be made and it is happening.  Those items such as liquors and colognes don’t interest a man of the renounced order.  I just literally ‘walk through’,  but a good bulk of people don’t.  They stop.  They ponder.  They buy.  It’s a shopping mall concept.

Now, if I may not overly judge, I would still offer to say that if aisles, or mazes, were some form of mandalas, they could be a labyrinth that leads to the heart.  Buddhists tend to capitalize on the walking of mandalas.  And to my knowledge, Hindus would use more circular mandalas (a Sanskrit word) with some squares and diagonal lines to gaze upon, helping concentration and promoting healing.

At some of our yajnas, or fire rituals that we use in Krishna consciousness, coloured powders are used to form yantras, like a mandala, upon a tray of sand.  Rangoli is a similar art form that is used in India and Mayapura, where I just came from, and these colourful formations are laid out on the ground and shaped with dry, rice flour, flower petals and coloured sand.  They are welcome symbols and are placed at doorways and walking paths.  Definitely they are beautiful images to take your eyes on a journey.

Too bad people step on them.

Personally, I would rather get my attention lost in some rangoli, a yantra or mandala than the booze trail.  I hope I didn’t sound too judgemental.  Sometimes I feel good telling it like it is.

May the Source be with you!
2 km

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Noida / Delhi

Good Buddhi and Bad Boy

Buddhimanta, the co-ordinator for the ISKCON Noida Centre did all the right things.  Almost.  The one thing he couldn’t supply me with during my stay, in the progressive limb-of-Delhi City, was a quiet, safe place to walk.  A substantial length of traffic-free footpath would have been nice, but then I don’t expect him to be a miracle worker.  That is reserved for Bhagavan.

Buddhimanta did measure up to being that gentleman of a host, plus he got the show together.  For our “Many Mothers, Many Fathers,” productions, he did good promotion for a Thursday night event.  Even in India, the weekend is always the best scenario.

A huge sign was posted—my guess is about 8’ x 10’—in front of the temple.  Announcements were made about the “thrilling, chilling story from the Bhagavatam,” and tickets were sold.  Buddhi also saw to it that echo absorbers of any kind—carpets, chairs, foam around the pillars—were set up to address the sound quality.

The auditorium was packed.  Buddhi and I were pleased.  The audience was spontaneous.  Our techies and actors were spot on.  You could feel the power of the play.

It was our last performance—the tenth.  My emotions were high; one of them, a stored up anger, aroused from seeing one young man filming the whole play from his phone.  I have to mention this because swamis can be upset like anyone else.  The question is do you store anger, bottle it or channel it in some favourable way?  I had been seated in the front doing some voice-over for one actor and noticed the culprit.  I went over to him after the production and let him know of my disappointment and the lack of respect it was since we had announced, “No phones, no cameras.”  I felt better telling him.

May the Source be with you!

0 km

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Noida, India

Spiritual Culture

I read with interest Devaki Devi Dasi’s book, Spiritual Culture, just recently released.  I find her insights into the psychology of the male and female interesting.  I can’t say that I agree with all of her points but I can appreciate her old values /old school approach.  She supports the very definitive roles for men and women, and although her opinions strike me as somewhat right-wing, I would back her on family values.

Family values!  Great topic!

After our drama practice—in now out latest and last stop before the flight home—a group of us were compelled to speak about relationships between the ‘hes’ and ‘shes’.  There are definitely many opinions out there about family life, as to what’s ideal and what’s practical, even from the sector of bhakti yogis.

“You now have a generation of Krishna children that don’t go for marriage,” expressed a father of four.  He and his wife are on the same page when it comes to commitment.  The couple went on to say that the experience of his family, and all the younger folks accompanying us on our short tour, is that they are having the time of their life.

It was late afternoon before I could free myself of duties and practice in the ISKCON Noida theatre, where a number of adjustments had to be made to address acoustic issues.  Bulgarian born Stoyan and I took to a quiet trail in Noida behind the gorgeous temple.

That’s hard to find, but we found it.

May the Source be with you!

3 km

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk

Vrndavana, India

Wake Up With Water

Anywhere in a holy place in India, the first sounds you are most likely to hear are those of bells ringing and water splashing.  The water is pouring out from showers nearby and filling the provided buckets for the ultimate dumping of H2O beginning with the top of the head.

Folks in India are committed to the bucket approach.  Pilgrims from elsewhere stick to the traditional shower.

Once sunlight makes an appearance, birds come alive and the world follows, or so it seems.

I made my visits today.  One was to see my ailing friend, Gunagrahi Swami, who’s been fighting cancer.  I also met Peter from California, a dear friend, who says he is physically deteriorating. I lunched at Param’s pad, or home.  Nice Punjabi parathas.  His back yard is crawling with white bunnies and scurrying chipmunks.  Cute!

Today was special, also, in that our group performed twice.  “Many Mothers, Many Fathers” delighted the boys of the Bhaktivedanta International Gurukula School and a second audience, the general public, packed the house, as well, for a mesmerizing show.  The actors are becoming quite accomplished, and because they are, we treated them to an all-out dinner at the MVT Restaurant.  Here you get eastern / western cuisine.

The group /troupe was very deserving.

May the Source be with you!

4 km

That was one life-changing photography thesis! Durban – When…
→ Dandavats

That was one life-changing photography thesis!
Durban - When American photography student John Griesser took a flight to India in the early 1970s on an assignment to document the Hare Krishna movement, he did not only earn credits to finish his course; it sent him on a spiritual path that changed his life.
Visiting Durban this week, Griesser (whose initiate name is Yadubara Das) is in town to promote his film Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It All, which will show at Suncoast cinemas on February 21 and 22.
His film is a documentary on the life of Srila Prabhupada, the 70-year-old Indian religious teacher who arrived in America without support or money in the 1960s and started the Hare Krishna movement.
“The long journey towards making Hare Krishna! started almost 50 years ago in 1970, when I found myself, camera in hand, smack bang in the middle of frenetic and beautifully intoxicating India, in a little town, steeped in ancient spirituality, called Surat. It was here that I first met Swami Srila Prabhupada.

“At the time I was a student enrolled at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York doing a master’s in photography, and I had travelled to India to do my thesis on the origins of the Hare Krishna movement,” recalled Griesser.

He had also produced a documentary in 1978 that captured the spiritual and traditional cultures of India, in a documentary titled Vrindavan: Land of Krishna.

“I was not prepared for the impact of that first meeting with Prabhupada. In person, he was diminutive and yet exuded a powerful presence that was both attractive and mystifying.

“During the following months in his company, surrounded by the rich spiritual culture of India, I found never-ending sources of inspiration from behind my camera.

“I experienced something beyond explanation, and felt that I had finally come home to people and places I had known before.

“In the following years, Jean (my then girlfriend and later my wife) and I continued to document Prabhupada and his movement, up until his passing in 1977,” said Griesser.

Much of the film’s content had been shot during the Griessers’ travels with Prabhupada from 1970 to 1977.

There are about 30 interviewees in the film, including Beatles guitarist George Harrison and American poet and philosopher Allen Ginsberg.

Griesser said the movie was special because it had allowed him to tell the story of Prabhupada.

“During production we revisited Prabhupada’s extraordinary life, piecing together clips and audio of his, and telling his own story. After the release in 2017, it was good to experience the excitement of viewers who saw Prabhupada come to life on the screen,” Griesser said.

Letters of Yamaraj, the God of Death
→ Dandavats

In a small town situated close to the banks of the River Yamuna there lived a man called Amrita. Nothing in life caused him more anxiety than his fear of death. One day he had an idea that if he befriended Lord Yamaraj, he would be able to keep death at a distance, and so Amrita practiced austerities and meditated upon the Lord of Death, who was verily pleased and granted him a vision.
Lord Yamaraj said, ‘I know by the aid of my divine powers that you seek to befriend me - your wish has come true. My presence is only available to those upon whose death my messengers or I take their souls to my domain. Those that are born must die and those who die will be born again, this is the eternal law. No one can escape death, yet I grant you my vision while you are still living.’


ISKCON of Philadelphia
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Vrsabhanu dasa

In the late sixties Hare Krishna devotees from New York went to Philadelphia to open a temple. Many people were attracted by their kirtans and by the philosophy and lifestyle that they were teaching. Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Lady Subhadra were installed in 1972 and taken out for the first Ratha-yatra festival on the East Coast of the USA. Srila Prabhupada visited the temple in 1975 and attended the Ratha-yatra that year. The current temple in the beautiful suburb of Mt. Airy was acquired in 1977 and two years later Sri Sri Radha Sarad-Bihari were installed there. The devotees are in the process of building a new temple room for the pleasure of the deities. In downtown Philadelphia there is a popular Govinda's restaurant which attracts people from all walks of life. The devotees organise regular programmes including japa meditation, study of the Bhagavad-Gita and kirtan evenings. Continue reading "ISKCON of Philadelphia
→ Dandavats"

Creating Vrindavan Anywhere
Giriraj Swami

Listening to a talk Srila Prabhupada gave in Vrindavan on December 10, 1975, I was struck by how he defined Vrindavan and said we could create Vrindavan anywhere.

“So this Krishna consciousness movement means everything is there; it has to be purified by diverting the same thing for Krishna. Just like we have got feelings for raising children—attachment. That is attachment. What is Mother Yasoda doing? She is attached to Krishna, and that is Vrindavan. Vrindavan life means all attachment for Krishna. Mother Yasoda is attached to Krishna, Nanda Maharaja is attached to Krishna, the cowherd boys are attached to Krishna, the calfs and cows are attached to Krishna, Radharani is attached to Krishna, the trees are attached to Krishna, the flowers are attached to Krishna, the water is attached to Krishna—that is Vrindavan. Vrindavan means the central attachment is Krishna. That is Vrindavan.

“So if you can create that central attachment for Krishna, then it is Vrindavan. Then you can create Vrindavan anywhere. Any family, any society, any country—just make the point of attachment Krishna, and it is Vrindavan. That is required. That is Krishna consciousness movement.”

Hare Krishna.

Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami

Gita 17.10 Food in ignorance isn’t nourishing, satisfying or appealing.mp3
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Bhagavad-gita verse-by-verse podcast

The post Gita 17.10 Food in ignorance isn’t nourishing, satisfying or appealing.mp3 appeared first on The Spiritual Scientist.

A day for Krsna
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, December 2011, Pretoria, South Africa, Caitanya Caritamrta Lecture)

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained to Sanatana Goswami that we must follow in the footsteps of the eternal residents of Vrindavan. We must always act for the pleasure of Krsna. In our sadhana, Krsna must always be in the centre.

My first big festival in the temple was Gaura Purnima. I was celebrating it at the Bhaktivedanta Manor and I had just returned from India. We were in a very big room and we, the brand new devotees, our service was to roll sweet balls the whole day. We were fasting and it was just too much for my mind to be sitting with an ocean of sweet balls. I was thinking, ‘What kind of movement is this? They are fasting and then the whole day they are in the kitchen cooking and busy with and all kinds of prasadam preparations. What is this process?’

I thought it was strange because I was self-centered. I was thinking that it was all austerity which we were performing for our own purification. I did not understand that for one day, for one day, it was a day for Krsna and on that day, instead of worrying of our own senses, as we usually do, on a special festival, we put all our own sense enjoyment aside. There will be no arrangements made for our sense enjoyment. All the arrangements are made only for Krsna’s pleasure, everything! The residents of Vrindavan do that every day!

Acknowledging our emotions but not acting impulsively on them
→ The Spiritual Scientist

[Brahmachari class at ISKCON, Juhu, Mumbai]



Podcast Summary


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