Taipei Ratha Yatra 2017 (Album with photos) Giridhari Swami:…
→ Dandavats

Taipei Ratha Yatra 2017 (Album with photos)
Giridhari Swami: Last weekend, we had the great fortune of participating in ISKCON Taipei’s annual Ratha Yatra festival. Over one hundred devotees from Taipei and Taichung enthusiastically chanted and danced during the two-hour procession, routed through Ximending, a famous shopping district frequented by droves of locals and tourists on the weekends. Suffice to say, thousands took darshan of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama and Lady Subhadra, saw the devotees chanting and dancing and heard the holy name.
Following the procession, a two-hour stage program featured melodious kirtan, dance and short talks, while guests took delicious prasadam cooked by Ojasvi Prabhu from the Philippines.
The event was graced by Srila Prabhupada’s dear disciples, Krishna Baladeva and Sevananda Prabhus.

Devotees of ISKCON Taipei worked hard to organize this festival and we thank them for making this event a grand success.

By Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, Ratha Yatra is now held in many cities around the world. We offer him our most humble obeisances in gratitude for the great gift of Krishna consciousness he has given us and the world.

Srila Prabhupada ki-jaya!
Taipei Ratha Yatra ki-jaya!
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Brhat Mridanga – The Epicenter and Its Waves

“My Guru Maharaja used to say that these literature are the ‘Brhat Mrdanga,’ that is to say, the big mrdanga, because like the mrdanga which can be heard from a long distance, simply a few words can have a tremendous effect on millions of people if they are propagated widely.” – Srila Prabhupada, Letter to […]

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Our Other Family Business: TOVP
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy Svaha Devi Dasi

HG Vaisesika Prabhu has written about book distribution in “Our Family Business.” Closely connected to it, or inseparable from it, is the manifestation of the TOVP as funds from book distribution around the world directly contribute to the TOVP every year. These two heartfelt desires of Srila Prabhupada are intimately connected. This becomes even more evident in the following account from HH Giriraja Swami: In 1971, as a young devotee in Calcutta, I approached Srila Prabhupada. “I have been trying to understand what your desire is. And two things seem to please you most: distributing your books and building the big temple in Mayapur.” Prabhupada’s face lit up, his eyes opened wide, and he smiled. “Yes, you have understood.” Continue reading "Our Other Family Business: TOVP
→ Dandavats"

Today’s Govardhana parikrama on the last day of Karthik (Album…
→ Dandavats

Today’s Govardhana parikrama on the last day of Karthik (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “In Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krishna or Visnu only by worshiping Him gorgeously according to the pancaratriki system, but in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting the holy name.” (Narayana-samhita)
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TOVP Australia-NZ-Fiji Tour. Ananda Tirtha das: Dear…
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TOVP Australia-NZ-Fiji Tour.
Ananda Tirtha das: Dear Devotees,
As you may know, HG Jananivasa Prabhu along with Brajavilasa Prabhu will be conducting a ToVP fundraising tour of Australia, New Zealand and Fiji this November:
6-7th Perth
8th Adelaide
9-13th Melbourne
14-20th Sydney
20th New Govardhan
21st Brisbane
22-23rd Auckland
24th Lautoka (Fiji)
25th Sigatoka
26th Suva
27th Sydney
28th Melbourne
30th return to Kolkata
Please spread the word! A promotional video is here:
Jananivasa Prabhu will leave at 5:30 am from the senior Brahmacari asrama if anybody wishes to see him off… .

The Kingdom of God
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Hare KrishnaBy Radheshyam Dasa

The Vaikuntha residents while travelling in their Airplanes condemn the fragrance of Madhavi flowers in ponds, which indicates that they don’t care for insignificant sense gratification in comparison to the joy they derive in Lord’s service. The only desire the Vaikuntha-vasis have in their hearts is eternal loving service to Lord and nothing else. They have no desire even for Mukti, what to speak of Bhukti or Siddhi. Such purity of desire renders one’s heart clean, fit and offerable to Supreme Lord. Continue reading "The Kingdom of God
→ Dandavats"

Visiting the Radha Kalachandji Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas!…
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Visiting the Radha Kalachandji Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas! (11 min video)
Hunter Salazar: I visited the Radha Kalachandji Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas Texas and I was very impressed! It’s been around a while so it is well established with a diverse community, vegetarian restaurant, and beautiful temple space dedicated to many Forms of God! Especially focusing on Rama and Krishna of course. In this video, I share pictures and video I took while I was there and add my own thoughts on this temple!
Thank you for your time and please visit this temple if you are ever in the Dallas area!
Watch it here:

Chakra Installation Trailer – A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

On February 7th, 2018 the Chakras for Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s domes on the TOVP will be installed with a Grand Abhisheka Ceremony and Maha Sudarshana Yajna.

All devotees are invited to come to Mayapur to attend. You can also help by sponsoring a Chakra abhisheka in your name. Read more here:

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Tulsi Salagrama Vivaha
→ Ramai Swami

The marriage of Tulsi with Vishnu/Krishna resembles a traditional wedding. The marriage ceremony is conducted at homes and temples where a fast is observed on the Tulsi Vivaha day until evening when the ceremony begins.

The bride, Tulsi, is clothed with a sari and ornaments including earrings and necklaces. The groom is a murti or picture of Vishnu or Krishna or more frequently a Salagram-sila, who is clothed in a dhoti.

Both Vishnu and Tulsi are bathed and decorated with flowers and garlands before the wedding.

Gita Jayanti – Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017
→ The Toronto Hare Krishna Temple!

On Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 6pm, the auspicious festival of Gita Jayanti will be celebrated at the Toronto Hare Krishna Temple. Gita Jayanti marks when Lord Krishna expressed the truth of life and the philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita to his student, Arjuna.

The Bhagavad-gita continues to be one of the world's most popular and inspiring books, covering topics such as the immortality of the self, the origin of all existence, how to remain peaceful in the most trying circumstances, and the relationship between us and God.

To celebrate Gita Jayanti, we will be reading the entire Bhagavad-Gita during the festivities.  We will alternate between reading Sanskrit and English chapters.We warmly invite you and your family to come join us for this very special festival on Wednesday, November 29, 2017.


6:00pm - 8:30pm: Recitation of the Bhagavad Gita
8:30pm : Vegetarian Feast

Sri Krishna Rasa Yatra

On the full moon night in the autumn season, during Krishna’s eighth year, He enacted His Rasa-lila pastimes with the beautiful young gopis of Vraja. This sweet pastime is celebrated every year by the devotees of Lord Krishna on the Rasa Purnima day, which is also the last day of the Kartik month.

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

Oakville, Ontario

On Halloween

I picked up a pair of new shoes, Ky boots, compliments of Jagannatha Misra.  To acquire them, I took to the GO commuter train.  When going to the ticket wicket, I asked for a Senior’s Day Pass, my first time at taking advantage of reaching 65.  There was some disbelief that I was that age.  The ticket seller doubted.  I reached for my passport, but before I was able to pull it out, she said, “No! No! It’s okay!”

Thanks for the compliment, I thought.

There was also uncertainty in the looks of the passengers on the train, whether I was in Hallowe’en costume or not.  Half of them were in some kind of unique apparel.  When exiting the train, I asked a young man for directions.  I don’t normally use the train, and Union Station, to me, is a big and crazy network of people going every which way.

I received good pointers on where to go, and after that, the fellow asked, “By the way, are you an actual…?”

“Yes, I’m the real thing—a Hare Krishna monk.”

“Cause I was just in Tibet.”

“Our order is rooted in India where it all started–the notion of devotion.”

Grateful, he was happy to have met a monastic person.  I was happy to meet him, a new person, a new contact, perhaps, a new spiritual seeker, perhaps, otherwise why would he go to Tibet and widen his eyes at the mere appearance of a monk.  Well, let’s say I’m trying to be.  I feel as long as I’m regulating my life in abstinence with no meat diet, no gambling, and no substance abuse, while trying to do a meagre service, I’m in, somehow.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Monday, October 30th, 2017
→ The Walking Monk

St. John’s, Newfoundland

Last Day in Newfoundland

It’s been good being with the Newfoundlanders.  We made awesome contacts with Brad, Josh and Justin who are local.  Paul is from Grand Prairie, and grew up there in a Hutterite community, most of his life.  Tinu is from Kerala, India, born Christian and now exploring a similar consciousness—more expanding perhaps.  It’s all good!

There’s the people and then there’s ‘the rock’ itself—the Island.

Hayagriva, Marshall and I trekked to the edge of the continent.  Cape Spear is the name.  It’s a spot I'm also familiar with.  It’s the ideal spot for marathon-anything, as a starting point.

Incidentally, I'm not off on a major walk anywhere real soon—just little jaunts here and there.

We met Michael, a local, and a young woman from Scotland, who’s researching the frequent mishaps of whales entangled in fishing nets.  On her list of places are California, Vancouver, Cape Cod and now, Newfoundland.

We shared our brunch with the two, up at the peak by the lighthouse.  The Cape does attract tourists.  Everyone seems to capture a very good vibe from the place.  And much to our luck, there was hardly a breeze.  It does get frightfully cold at times.  When I came up here in 2002 with the film crew of the  documentary, “The Longest Road”, they wanted my hands in pranamsto the ocean and elements.  They took so many takes with the camera and me chanting mantras.  It was so frigid.  I swear those exposed hands felt like they were just going to drop off.

Our happy ending in the St. John’s area was here.  We chanted to the whales.

May the Source be with you!

6 km

Sri Krishna Rasa Yatra

anganam anganam antara madhavo madhavam madhavam cantarenanganah ittham akalpite mandale madhya-gah sanjagau venuna devaki-nandanah “Lord Madhava was situated between each pair of gopis, and a gopi was situated between each pair of His manifestations. And Sri Krishna, the son of Devaki also appeared in the middle of the circle, playing upon His flute and singing.” […]

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Sri Krishna Rasa Yatra
→ Dandavats

Hare KrishnaBy MCO Staff

On the full moon night in the autumn season, during Krishna’s eighth year, He enacted His Rasa-lila pastimes with the beautiful young gopis of Vraja. This sweet pastime is celebrated every year by the devotees of Lord Krishna on the Rasa Purnima day, which is also the last day of the Kartik month. In Bengal, many people celebrate this day by going on pilgrimage to holy places. On this day, almost two-hundred thousand pilgrims come to Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir to take part in all the festivities. Continue reading "Sri Krishna Rasa Yatra
→ Dandavats"

Govardhana parikrama! (Album with photos) Bhakti Caitanya…
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Govardhana parikrama! (Album with photos)
Bhakti Caitanya Swami: On the 31st we did half a Govardhana parikrama, stopping at so many sacred places on the way and talking about them. We started at 7 in the morning, and returned to our ashrams at 5 in the evening. It was a wonderful day. Govardhana is so rich in transcendental lilas that it’s a shame to rush through it in just one day. There is another section of photos of this part of the parikrama, which we have just put up also. View at full screen.
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