Our last stop in New Zealand was Christchurch in the south island. Still recovering from a major earthquake 5 years ago construction is going on everywhere in the city. Our temple, which was destroyed in the earthquake, is being rebuilt now as well. Ou…
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
Tight Knit Group
Kiwi Land
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The town of Varsana in Vrindavan is where Srimati Radharani lived with her family 5,000 years ago. New Varsana is where Her aspiring devotees live in beautiful New Zealand. The large community of devotees work harmoniously together in a loving spirit o…
The Jewel of Australia
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The New Govardhan community is like a brilliant jewel set in the colorful green landscape of New South Wales, Australia. Everyone agreed that the kirtan retreat there this weekend was one of the best festivals to ever take place in the Australian yatra…
Sacred Sounds
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Today was the first day of the Sacred Sounds Festival at New Govardhana in Australia. Set in the beautiful rural countryside of New South Wales over 600 devotees enjoyed a day of classes, kirtans and delicious prasadam. All the action was perfectly cap…
On The Road Again
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I’m on the road again, this time in Australia. I am missing Vrindavan, but happy to be sharing my good fortune with all. “So, this is formal accepting of sannyasa, but real sannyasa will be fulfilled when you’ll be able to induce the people of the world to dance like you. That is real sannyasa. […]
Свет души
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Глава 8 – Добро пожаловать домой! – приветствовал меня, уставшего после перелета из Бангалора, Махаван даса на выходе из нового блестящего терминала аэропорта Нью-Дели. Махаван (ему нет еще тридцати) – мой русский ученик и секретарь в путешествиях по Индии. Он брахмачари, носит шафран, бреет голову и забивает свою сумку новейшими гаджетами – сотовыми телефонами, iPad-ами, […]
Ananta’s Eye
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An initiation ceremony in Mayapura through the eye of one of ISKCON’s most famous photographers, Ananta Vrindavan dasa.
Bhakti Rasayana Sagara Maharaja
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Yesterday we performed the sannyasa initiation for Uttama Sloka das, who became Bhakti Rasayana Sagara Maharaja. The ceremony was held here in Sridham Mayapura in the association of many wonderful devotees. May Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya bless …
Gopisvara Mahadeva
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“Each day I worship Gopisvara Mahadeva, who is situated on the bank of Yamuna. That same Gopisvara was worshipped with deep devotion by the gopis, and he quickly fulfilled their desire to attain a supremely precious jewel in the form of the embrace of the son of Nanda Maharaja .” [ Srila Raghunatha das Goswami, […]
Festival For Hari
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“O King of the earth! One who organizes a festival for Hari at home, for such a person too in Hari’s world a festival is eternally organized.”
Most Confidential
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“O Mahadeva! I am telling you the truth! The holy name of Krishna is most confidential. Know for certain that this holy name can bring a dead man back to life.” [ Srila Sanatan Goswami. Sri Hari bhakti-vilasa 11.501 quoted from the Visnu-dharmottara ]
Dancing Out Of Joy
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“In a variety of ways, the inauspiciousness of the earth is destroyed by the feet, the inauspiciousness of the directions is destroyed by the eye-glances and the inauspiciousness of the heavens is destroyed by the arms of a Viṣṇu-bhakta dancing out of joy.” [ Hari-bhakti-vilasa 8.288 ]
Thrilling To See!
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On Vijaya ekadasi we visited Nityananda vat, near Madan Modan temple, on the banks of the Yamuna river. My old friend, Anup Goswami, who is a direct descendent of Lord Nityananda, once again allowed me to chant 16 rounds on the original beads of Srila …
Их пожеланье
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“Я поклоняюсь ежедневно Махадеву, тому, который на берегу Ямуны. Тому же Гопишваре Махадеву со всей своей преданностью поклонялись гопи, и он быстро исполнил их пожелание заполучить ценнейшую драгоценность – объятья сына Нанды Махараджи”. [ Шрила Рагхунатха дас Госвами, «Враджа-виласа-става» ] https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205736299349683&set=a.3707173840886.2134384.1321748113&type=3&theater&viewas=100000686899395 “Each day I worship Gopisvara Mahadeva, who is situated on the bank of Yamuna. […]
The Light of the Soul
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Volume 14, Chapter 8 Mar 3, 2016 “Welcome home!” Mahavan dasa, a Russian disciple, greeted me as I came out of New Delhi’s slick new airport terminal, tired after my flight from Bangalore. Mahavan is my secretary when I travel in India. A brahmachari in his thirties, he wears saffron, shaves his head, and […]
The Sacred Grounds
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Yesterday we went on pilgrimage to Varsana, where Srimati Radharani lived as a young girl. We walked through the sacred grounds, chanted the holy names and prayed for mercy at every step. The people and sites of that transcendental abode touched our he…
He Who Charms the Heart
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As the sun was setting we walked down the parikrama path and just before Kesi Ghat we turned right into the small lanes winding through Vrindavan town to the Radha Raman temple. When we arrived we took darsan of He who charms the heart of every residen…
The Mysteries of Kamyavan
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Kamayavan, a two-hour drive from the town of Vrindavan proper, is full of transcendental holy places. Most significantly the Deity of Vrinda devi, worshipped by Srila Rupa Goswami, resides there. Kameswar Mahadeva, one of the 5 principle Siva lingam’s of Vraja is also situated in Kamyavan. There are numerous sacred kundas, including Dharma kunda, where […]
An Ambiance of Antiquity
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Radha Kunda is one of the places that has retained an ambiance of antiquity despite all the development and construction around Vrindavan.To convey that special mood I used different filters on my camera lens to capture the mood of “old Vrindavan” at Radha Kunda.
Home Again
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I have come back Home, to Vrindavan, after a 3-month break in South India.To absorb the mood of this sacred dhama I went to Surya Kunda yesterday. Surya Kunda is where Srimati Radharani goes each day to worship the Sun God and meet Her beloved, Sri Krs…
The Singing Janitor
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Volume 14, Chapter 7 Feb 21, 2016 Whenever I come to Mumbai I stay at the home of my disciple Narottam Dasa Thakur Das and his wife Manjari Devi Dasi. Today, Narottam had come with me to the hospital for my PET scan, a checkup for any recurrence of the cancerous skin cells I […]
Поющий санитар
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Глава 7 Всякий раз, приезжая в Мумбай, я останавливаюсь в доме своего ученика Нароттам Даса Тхакур Даса и его жены Манджари Деви Даси. Сегодня Нароттам отправился со мной в больницу на ПЭТ-сканирование для контроля рецидива рака кожи, хирургически удаленного у меня в прошлом году. – Что-то я в два раза больше нервничаю, – сказал […]
Домашние праздники
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“О царь земли! Тому, кто устраивает дома для Хари праздник – в мире Хари также вечно будет праздник”. [ как сказано в “Бхакти-расамрита-синдху” 1.2.220, из Падма Пураны ]
Из “Хари-бхакти-виласы”
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“Среди этих разнообразных путей: неблагодать земли устраняется благодаря стопам, неблагоприятные направления устраняются взглядами, а неблагодать с небес – руками Вишну-бхакт, танцующих в блаженстве”. [ Хари-бхакти-виласа 8.288 ]
Чудеса случаются
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“О Махадев! Скажу тебе… воистину, святое имя Кришны – самое мистичное из всех. Знай точно: оно вернет и мертвого обратно к жизни”. [ Шрила Санатана Госвами, “Шри Хари-бхакти-виласа” 11.501, цитируется по “Вишну-дхармоттаре” ] _____________ “O Mahadeva! I am telling you the truth! The holy name of Krishna is most confidential. Know for certain that […]
Where Natural Enemies Are Friends
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The other day we drove many hours through a jungle area to vist Sringeri, the site of the first matha established by Sankaracarya, who propagated Mayavada ( impersonalist ) philosophy in the 8th century. Sringeri is located on the banks of the Tunga ri…
Real Sanyasa
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Lord Caitanya taking sanyasa from Keshava Bharati“So, this is formal accepting of sannyasa, but real sannyasa will be fulfilled when you’ll be able to induce the people of the world to dance like you. That is real sannyasa. This formal dress is not sannyasa. Real sannyasa is when you can induce other people to become […]
Mantras and Yantras from Bygone Ages
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Mesmerized by the old houses of the brahmans we visited outside of Udupi the other day, we returned to learn more. In one home we were fascinated to find Vedic mantras, in the form of colorful yantras, painted on walls throughout the house. The beautif…
Old India
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Yesterday we visited several ancient temples near Udupi. We also took the opportunity to visit centuries old houses of Brahmans who serve in such temples. We were amazed by many of the artifacts and paintings we saw in those homes.
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One of the beautiful features of India is that there are ancient temples of the Lord everywhere throughout the country. Nearby where we are staying in the south is an old temple where Lord Nrsimhadeva is worshipped. The other day we visited the temple to have the Lord’s darsan and pray to Him. One time […]
Mathura: The Land Adorned With My Pastimes
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“The blessed Lord said: ‘Go to Mathura, to your dearest pasturing grounds, to the land adorned with many places of My pastimes. There you will again meet your guru, most dear to Me. And by his mercy you will be empowered to understand everything in full. By the power of My mercy, you will wander […]
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“Honor the Bhagavatam and other scriptures that tell of this devotional service. Hear from them regularly about the Lord’s pastimes. For when those narrations enter the holes of your ears and you relish them with love, they will swiftly award you the Lord’s abode.” [ Brhad Bhagavatamrta, Volume Two, Chapter Three, Text 124 ]
New Year Advice
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We are 11 days into the New Year. Let us all take shelter of a great saint’s advice: “O New Year, all glories to you! Pay special attention to the development of Sri Mayapur. Publish devotional literature. Satisfy the people of the world by distributing the Lord’s holy names. Guide the living entities in such […]
Mangalore’s Tenth!
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Today we had the good fortune to attend ISKCON Mangalore’s 10th annual Ratha Yatra parade through the streets of the city. Both the devotees and the public enjoyed it very much. All glories to the Lord of the Universe – Jagannatha Swami!
“Шри Таттва-сандарбха” о Хари-наме
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“Это правда, что мантра с именами Бога действенна, только если получена от истинного представителя Бога в ученической преемственности – и при должно проведенной инициации. Также правда, что в прежние времена, опасаясь неблаготворных последствий оскорблений Хари-намы, обычно лишь те, кто уже были очищены, поклонялись именам Кришны и Его внутренней энергии. Потому в особенности Харе Кришна мантра […]
Mantra’s Fruit
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“My dear boy, whatever you desire while chanting your mantra, by its power you will fully receive. Indeed, you will attain more than you desire. This chanting, please understand, is another form of service to Lord Jagannatha. Have faith in this and never give up your japa. By the potency of this mantra, may you […]
An Ancient Siva Temple
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The other day myself and Badahari prabhu visited an ancient Siva temple in Koteswara, Karnataka. The temple was very clean and well organized. The brahmana priests were friendly and curious at to how we, as westerners, had adopted Vedic culture. We fel…
Three Very Powerful Substances
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This photo just surfaced. Srila Prabhupada is giving prasadam to my son, Gaura Shakti das, in New Mayapura, France in 1975. One greatly fortunate soul, for sastra says … “The remnants of food offered to Lord Krsna are called maha-prasädam. After this same maha-prasadam has been taken by a devotee, the remnants are elevated to […]
Favorite Prayer
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The other day a devotee asked me what is my favorite prayer from our Vaisnava scriptures. I replied with the following verse by Narada Muni, who was requesting a benediction from Lord Krsna. In service to my spiritual master, I would like to follow in his footsteps. “O swan gliding in the lakes of the […]
Most Inspired!
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The holy town of Udupi lies on the Arabian Sea in the South Indian state of Karnataka. The town is famous as a place of pilgrimage because of the temple Sri Krishna Matha. This temple was founded by Srila Madhvacharya (A.D. 1238 -1317), one of the grea…