I think that you should be able to select more than one reason for rating.
Author Archives: H.H. Indradyumna Swami
We turn the spotlight on incredible instructors.
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Even the most simple act or simple seva in Vrindavan can produce profound results.”
You can only claim to be fit if you pass these 7 tests.
→ Travelling Monk
I think that you should be able to select more than one reason for rating.
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“A devotee delights people by his association.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“My main diet is the words coming from the lotus mouth of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“We make our spiritual advancement mainly from blessings.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“My main diet is the words coming from the lotus mouth of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Krsna’s words from Bhagavad-Gita jump out of the page when we examine the life of a pure devotee.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“We all need someone close to us, of the same nature, so that we can encourage each other in Krishna Consciousness. Friendship is very important.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Humility is the keystone in Krishna Consciousness.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Real knowledge begins with realizing how much I don’t know.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“When you take a little dust from Sri Vrindavan Dham, you take a little dust from Krishna’s lotus feet.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Prabhupada’s blessings are all encompassing. His mercy is not limited by time and distance.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Spiritual health means that I am eager. I am hungry for spiritual knowledge and I want to disseminate it.”
Quote- Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Love is reciprocal.It’s a two way street. So as we hanker to love Krishna, Krishna hankers to love us.”
Quote by Indradymna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“A sincere prayer can go straight to the spiritual world. ”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Because devotees so much love the place of Krishna’s pastimes, separation from those places is unbearable.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“When we try to satisfy only the body but we ignore the real self within, it is like polishing the cage without feeding the bird inside.”
Quote by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“Unless you know who you are, you don’t know how to live your life in such a way as to find the satisfaction that everyone on this planet is looking for.”
Quote Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“With the sword of knowledge, you can reach a world beyond the sky, where you dont have to die”
Traveling Monk 2020-06-07 08:09:18
→ Traveling Monk
“The full potential of the Holy Name is there when we share the Holy Name with others.”
Quotes by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“The more you become attached to the spiritual master, the more you become attached to Krishna.”
Quotes by Indradyumna Swami
→ Traveling Monk
“There is no place like home. Because in the spiritual world, every step is a dance, every word is a song, and there is a festival every day.”
→ Traveling Monk
“The most important thing in Krsna consciousness is relationships.”
→ Traveling Monk
Quotes by Indradyumna Swami..
“If we make a mistake, we should feel remorse, try to purify ourselves, ask for forgiveness and wait for that forgiveness to be bestowed upon us and then go on with our devotional service”
Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda
→ Traveling Monk
Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda [ By An Unknown Medieval Gaudiya Vaisnava ] It is better that I die. I did not worship Nitai. Alas! Alas! I am worthless! My intelligence was spoiled! I had a priceless treasure in my hand, and then I lost it. In the moon of His face glisten […]
Из Гарга-самхиты
→ Traveling Monk
In the Garga-samhita there is a beautiful exchange between Nanda Maharaja and Srimati Radharani as they cross paths in Bhandiravan, one of the principle forests of Vrindavan: Srimati Radharani spoke: “O noble one! This divine form of Mine is very difficult to see, but for one who has seen it, nothing is out of reach. […]
Dear Mahatma prabhu
→ Traveling Monk
Dear Mahatma prabhu! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I hope you won’t mind a godbrother glorifying you in honour of your appearance day celebration, which is still some days away. I’m sure the demigods sing your praises, so why not me? You are an illustrious disciple of our glorious spiritual […]
These Are All Krsna’s Arrangements
→ Traveling Monk
Diary of a Traveling Monk Volume 15 Chapter 10 I was on my morning walk on the beach in Durban, South Africa, last week when my cell phone rang. “Hey, Maharaja. This is Craig! Craig from high school!” “Wow, Craig! I can’t even remember the last time we were in touch! How are […]
Удача в неудаче
→ Traveling Monk
Том 15, глава 9 23 января 2020 Мой дорогой духовный учитель, Шрила Прабхупада, пожалуйста примите мои самые смиренные поклоны. Вся слава вам! Изначально это письмо было написано как личное подношения вам, но сейчас моя жизнь — это открытая книга. Поскольку я действую как ваш представитель во всём, что я делаю, я хочу открыть своё […]
Don’t Starve Your Beads / Не уморите свои четки голодом
→ Traveling Monk
В новых четках ощущается легкость и воздушность. Древесина новая, скорее светлая, поверхность шершавая. После воспевания день за днем кажется, что происходят чудесные преобразования. Их вес начинает меняться. Это необъяснимо, но кажется, что они стали тяжелее, будто они каким-то образом наполнились, насытились силой мантры. Их цвет меняется, как будто сама Туласи Деви хочет обрести темный цвет […]
Их радостные улыбки
→ Traveling Monk
Дневник странствующего монаха Том 15, глава 2 8 мая 2019 Почти пять последних месяцев я провел во Вриндаване, отлучаясь лишь на несколько коротких поездок. Но в начале мая я уехал. Несмотря на приближение тягостной летней жары, мне думалось, что я мог бы задержаться и подольше. С огромным сожалением и чувством глубокой разлуки я направлялся в […]
It was so hard leaving Vrindavan/Уезжать из Вриндавана очень тяжело
→ Traveling Monk
Было тяжело уезжать из Вриндавана! Но я снова быстро нашел нектар, делясь Вриндаваном с другими! “О лебедь, плавно плывущий по озерам любви Враджа-васи, мне бы, скитаясь по миру, в упоении пить славу нектара Твоих сладких имен, что рождаясь из океана Гокулы, возвещают великолепие бесконечных нарядов и игр. Мне бы, бродяге-безумцу, раздавать всем по миру то […]
Lord Ramacandra With The Chiefs Of His Army
→ Traveling Monk
Lord Ramacandra stands holding a bow and arrow in the center of the painting surrounded by a rocky landscape. Laksmaṇ stands behind Him and also holds a bow and arrow. Like Lord Ramacandra, He is effulgent. Both Lord Ramacandra and Laksman wear wooden sandals. Also standing behind Lord Ramacandra are Hanuman, Angada, Arunda, Nila and […]
“May Mother Ganges Bless You Today”
→ Traveling Monk
“Да благословит тебя сегодня мать Ганга” https://iskconnews.org/may-mother-ganges-bless-you-today,6862/?fbclid=IwAR1N9ir1jet9VR8bkOQEB3veCcGMmJ7JyJ5Qnqsm6RCW0zHB11sJQFpGH38 Ever since becoming a devotee of Lord Krishna in 1970, I have been fascinated with the Kumbha Mela festival. This year I decided to join millions of other pilgrims in the journey to the Ardha Kumbha Mela where, from January 15th to March 4th, ISKCON devotees were to […]
Bhagavata-pradhana / Бхагавата-прадхана
→ Traveling Monk
“The Supreme Personality of Godhead is so kind to the conditioned souls that if they call upon Him by speaking His holy name, even unintentionally or unwillingly, the Lord is inclined to destroy innumerable sinful reactions in their hearts. Therefore, when a devotee who has taken shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet chants the holy […]
May he kindly correct me / “Пусть он милостиво меня поправит”
→ Traveling Monk
I very much appreciated this post today by Giriraj Swami! “Today is the appearance day of Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He was very kind, but also very strict. He said of himself, ‘I am not only a proofreader of the press; I am a proofreader of men—-I see their faults and […]
This Is The Proof / Доказательство
→ Traveling Monk
Srila Prabhupada then changed the subject. “How do we know Krishna is God?” he asked us. “Because Krishna says so in the Bhagavad-gita,” a devotee said. “Anyone can say that,” Prabhupada countered. I piped up, “You told us so, and you’re a representative of Krishna, a spiritual master . . .” “Someone will say I […]
The Perfection of Chanting Hare Krsna / Совершенство воспевания Харе Кришна
→ Traveling Monk
“The purification of one’s chanting hari-nama means as soon as you chant the holy name of Krsna you will see the form of Krsna, realize the qualities of Krsna, remember the pastimes of Krsna. That is pure chanting of Hare Krsna mantra. That is stated in the commentary of Srila Jiva Goswami: that a pure […]
You have got a short duration of life / Жизнь коротка
→ Traveling Monk
“Instead of contemplating what will happen to this world, you have got a short duration of life, say fifty, sixty years. You chant Hare Krsna and go back to home, back to Godhead. Don’t consider what will happen to this world. Nature will take care of it. You don’t puzzle your brain with these thoughts. […]