Varnasram series.
Introduction to truthfulness (Part 1)
New Mayapur – France and the mighty kofta
→ Dandavats

New Mayapur has been tested by the usual lack of resources and succession. Incidentally, New Mayapur, situated in central France, 350km south of Paris, is the last place where Srila Prabhupada’s quarters are kept intact in the European continent. Being somewhat similar to New Govardhana in its history, in 2013 the France GBC requested that I help with the New Mayapur project. I started travelling there two or three times a year, for three to four weeks at a time. The New Mayapur management team secured a stall at a five-day festival in Bourges, 140km west of the project. This was the first testing ground for the famous Australian kofta arriving in the ‘land of fries’. The menu remained exactly the same as the catering menu Australians here love so much – the French dove into the nectar rather than turning up their noses! Continue reading "New Mayapur – France and the mighty kofta
→ Dandavats"
Two Seeds that Grew in Iron
→ Dandavats

One day in an Armenian mountain village, a typically atheistic engineer, a man well respected in his community, sat outside for a smoke. When a truck came to deliver a package, he and his friend the truck driver talked about news from the city. As the driver carried the package to the engineer’s house, the engineer saw an unusual book in the truck: a Russian translation of Sri Ishopanishad. Curious, he picked it up. He looked at the photo of Srila Prabhupada on the back and thought, “How amazing that there is someone like this living on this planet!” Then he spontaneously fell on the ground to offer obeisance to the photo. Continue reading "Two Seeds that Grew in Iron
→ Dandavats"
Sacred India in the Swan Valley!
→ Dandavats

Bhagavad Gita Distribution at Cox’s Bazar District Prison in Bangladesh: Dark Life to Light Horizon
→ Dandavats

Dark life in the locked cell of prison is really a hellish experience. Prisoners remain repentant on the misdeeds of their past lives and fully frustrated thinking on dark future. But Bhagavad Gita can bring a horizon of light and hope in their life as it describes that this material world is also a jail with continuous miseries headed by Birth-Death-Oldage-Disease and by worshipping and satisfying Lord Krishna, the President of whole creation, we can get a nice lifestyle free of sinful activities and break free of this prison of Material world. That is why on 25th May, 2018 Friday, Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Krishna Prasad were distributed among prisoners of Cox's Bazar Central Jail under the supervision of the Chittagong Divisional Committee of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in collaboration with Sri Sri Radha Damodar Mandir , Cox's Bazar. Divisional Secretary of ISKCONChittagong H.G. Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmachari was present as the chief guest at the Gita Distribution Ceremony. Continue reading "Bhagavad Gita Distribution at Cox’s Bazar District Prison in Bangladesh: Dark Life to Light Horizon
→ Dandavats"
Truthfulness – Morning presentation in NVD
A Spiritual Masterpiece
Giriraj Swami
Every day during the auspicious Purusottama month, I read the fifteenth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, “Purusottama-yoga”—“The Yoga of the Supreme Person,” in which the seventh verse is one of the most significant.
mamaivamso jiva-loke
jiva bhutah sanatanah
manah sasthanindriyani
prakrti-sthani karsati
“The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.”
I found Srila Prabhupada’s purport to be both thorough and profound—a spiritual masterpiece and work of genius—and wished that other devotees could similarly contemplate its liberating depth and beauty.
Hare Krishna.
Yours in service,
Giriraj Swami
How can we change ourselves for the better as quickly as possible?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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Varnashrama in bhakti – Focus on replicating the take-off, not recreating the take-off point
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Chowpatty, Mumbai, India]
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Highly successful 7th Annual Sadhu Sanga Retreat (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Highly successful 7th Annual Sadhu Sanga Retreat (Album with photos)
7th Annual Sadhu Sanga Retreat was by far the most crowde...
Harinama and book distribution in Moscow, Russia (Album with…
→ Dandavats

Harinama and book distribution in Moscow, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Simply by chanting the holy name of Lor...
Srila Prabhupada: “Gossip! It will Destroy this Movement”
→ Dandavats

“Gossip! It will Destroy this Movement”
Melbourne Temple, 14 Burnett Street, St. Kilda, Thursday, 6 April 1972
‘Behind Srila Prabhupada’s room was a tiny, two-metre square kitchenette. There, each day, Citralekha would prepare rasagullas for Prabhupada, who ate the sweets daily with his breakfast. Around mid-morning, Upendra would start to prepare Prabhupada’s lunch.
Seeking Benefit
→ Servant of the Servant
One way is solely by using our physical strength, mental acumen. intelligence quotient, money, resources, relationships and networks. In this, there is no trace of Krishna.
The other way is primarily taking instructions from Krishna (through shastra and guru) and accordingly use our strength and intelligence.
I think both are mutually exclusive. It is a matter of choice and depending on the way, our benefits are substantive or marginal.
Hare Krishna.
Children break their Piggy Banks to donate for the Under…
→ Dandavats

Children break their Piggy Banks to donate for the Under construction “Sri Krishna Arjuna Temple”. (Album of photos)
During the ongoing 3 days Gita Gyan Yagya at Moradabad. H.G Sakshi Gopal Prabhu requested everyone to contribute towards the ongoing construction of the Grand Temple. Prabhu Ji also narrated the importance of donating during the Purushottam month.
The next day, to everyone’s Surprise, many little kids came with their Piggy Banks, Money Boxes and Yearly Pocket savings
They all rushed towards Prabhu Ji & with great enthusiasm and excitement they all handed over their Pocket money!
Some of them said they were saving to buy toys, new dresses, gifts & video games, some were saving for picnics and trips.
But Happily, they Donated it ALL towards the Temple construction & asked Prabhu Ji to Break their Piggy Banks!
The children said, now we will collect from our friends, teachers, parents, relatives, neighborhood & from wherever we can!
One boy said, he had been saving to buy a bicycle for 2 years. Then he said “but i can walk to school, the Temple is more important than my bicycle.
H.G Sakshi Gopal Prabhu was moved to tears upon seeing this Heartfelt gesture by these little children.
Prabhuji glorified their sacrifices & acknowledged them with various Gifts, Blessings and Maha Prashad.
Prabhu Ji said, “It is this enthusiasm to serve Krishna which will please the Lord!
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HH Giriraja Swami at Los Angeles…
→ Dandavats

Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HH Giriraja Swami at Los Angeles during the Prabhupada Festival (video)
Mental strength – how to?
→ Servant of the Servant
This is the only way for mental toughness – to work hard and be detached (vairagya) while simultaneously content with Krishna's provision proportionate to our work.
Hare Krishna
Were you a prince in your last life?
→ Dandavats

Were you a prince in your last life?
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Krsna knows the past, present and the future. He knows us better than we know ourselves because we actually have no idea who we were. We could go to India and visit the Bhrigu readers of Rajasthan or Punjab who have these scrolls with all kinds of astrological information on them. If you are lucky, these readers will find your scroll and tell you who you were in your last life. Usually, everyone was either a prince or a princess, or someone occasionally gets a sanyasi.
Radha and Krsna look like a lighting strike sitting within a monsoon cloud
Introduction to Krsna Valley film in South London
February 7 1976 – Mayapur February 7th, 1976
Today is Sri…
→ Dandavats

February 7 1976 – Mayapur February 7th, 1976
Today is Sri Advaita-acarya’s appearance day, a half-day fast, and the day chosen for the launch of the boat.
In the early morning Prabhupada was driven in a jeep to Hoola Ghat on the Jalangi River, where he inspected the “Nitai Pada Kamala.” Its renovations are complete, and the Deities have been installed below deck. The small wooden forms of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai will be taken on procession through villages whenever the boat lands.
It is a good facility, a 12 ton “Jali” class boat, about forty feet long and fifteen feet wide. It has a shallow draft and was previously used to transport hay, although the maritime authorities have licensed it to carry up to 56 passengers. The devotees have added a cabin above deck along most of its length. Brightly painted in green, yellow, and red, the boat was gaily decorated for today’s occasion with strings of orange marigolds. The high mast is painted in yellow and red strips like a barber’s pole. Inside the cabin the main support beams are bright-yellow and red with lotus-flower motifs.
Tamal Krishna Maharaja helped Srila Prabhupada on board over the rickety bamboo ramp. Prabhupada carefully inspected every corner of the boat. Then he sat for a few minutes on a straw mat, while the devotees held kirtana. Prabhupada likes the idea of preaching on the boat, and he encouraged Sudama Maharaja to make it a success.
Later in the morning Sudama Maharaja sailed away down the Ganga with seventeen men, including four of the older boys from the gurukula, on their maiden voyage. It was a magnificent sight. Many local villagers lined the shore, eager to witness their departure.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => TD 1-9: Sri Dhama Mayapur
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If we make a strong resolution, does the mind’s power ensure that we keep it?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast
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ISKCON Scarborough- HG Devakinandan Das will be giving a class coming Friday
→ ISKCON Scarborough
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
HG Devakinandan Das is a senior disciple of HH Mahavishnu Gosvami Maharaj. Prabhu took up Krsna Consciousness, through the pages of Srimad Bhagavatam, in Singapore in 1983, and met His Holiness in 1989
Prabhu is a lawyer by profession. Despite his busy work schedule, Prabhu puts aside 4 to 5 months every year in travelling and spreading KC.
He oversees the temple projects in ISKCON Dwaraka and ISKCON Rajkot.
Prabhu is also an expert preacher of Srimad Bhagavatam and a wonderful Kirtan leader, inspired many persons in Krishna Consciousness.
He is part of GBC's Strategic Planning Committee by engaging in various devotional projects such as the Affiliate Development and Devotee Care programmes
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,
Email Address:
Saturday, May 26th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Friday, May 25th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Thursday, May 24th, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018
→ The Walking Monk
Bhagavatam Class, May 28, New Dwaraka, Los Angeles
Giriraj Swami
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.12 (Right click to download)
The past, present and the future
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 January 2018, New Govardhana, Australia, SB 1.2.15)
Krsna knows the past, present and the future. He knows us better than we know ourselves because we actually have no idea who we were. We could go to India and visit the Bhrigu readers of Rajasthan or Punjab who have these scrolls with all kinds of astrological information on them. If you are lucky, these readers will find your scroll and tell you who you were in your last life. Usually, everyone was either a prince or a princess, or someone occasionally gets a sanyasi. But I have never heard of any devotee who was a worm in their last life, and that somehow or other a Vaishnava spat on this worm’s head and promoted the worm into a devotee. Maybe, they would still look a little wormish! (Vaishnavas laughing) Anyway, so it is a little suspicious when everyone was a prince or a princess who had to come back one more time. I have some doubts about these Bhrigu readers to be honest. They may find our scrolls and know some things but they definitely do not know everything.
There was actually an astrologer who met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, “Oh are you an astrologer? If so, please tell me who I was in my last life?” So this astrologer sat down and started calculating. And as he was calculating, his eyes got bigger and bigger. He was seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead on the scrolls. He was looking again and again at the calculations and the calculations said that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But the astrologer said something else instead, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, “You got it all wrong. I happen to know that in my last life I was a cowherd boy, and because of my pious activities of taking care of the cows in that life, I became a Brahmin.” After this, the astrologer finally said, “Whatever you may be, or whoever you may be, I offer my obeisances unto you!”
The article " The past, present and the future " was published on KKSBlog.
QA Transcriptions uploaded on 29-May-18
→ The Spiritual Scientist
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Why 50 MILLION Abortions is NOT The Answer
19-Madri-Witness to a Temple
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
In this episode with Madri devi dasi we hear… How she went from using computers in the 1960s that work by turning handles and programming computers the size of football fields… to eventually writing the history of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari in Auckland The advice that her daughters ignored which led her to Krishna Consciousness […]
The post 19-Madri-Witness to a Temple appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.
19-Madri-Witness to a Temple
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
In this episode with Madri devi dasi we hear… How she went from using computers in the 1960s that work by turning handles and programming computers the size of football fields… to eventually writing the history of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari in Auckland The advice that her daughters ignored which led her to Krishna Consciousness […]
The post 19-Madri-Witness to a Temple appeared first on Successful Vaisnavas - Personal Development for Hare Krishnas.
Kardama Muni continued: What is the use of enjoyments other than…
→ Dandavats

Kardama Muni continued: What is the use of enjoyments other than the Lord’s grace? All material achievements are subject to be annihilated simply by a movement of the eyebrows of Lord Viṣṇu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By your principles of devotion to your husband, you have achieved and can enjoy transcendental gifts very rarely obtained by persons proud of aristocracy and material possessions.
Lord Caitanya recommended that the greatest achievement of human life is to achieve the grace of the Lord, love of God. He said, premā pumartho mahān: to achieve love of Godhead is the highest perfection of life. The same perfection is recommended by Kardama Muni to his wife. His wife belonged to a very aristocratic royal family. Generally, those who are very materialistic or who possess material wealth and prosperity are unable to appreciate the value of transcendental love of God. Although Devahūti was a princess coming from a very great royal family, fortunately she was under the supervision of her great husband, Kardama Muni, who offered her the best gift which can be bestowed in human life: the grace of the Lord, or love of God. This grace of the Lord was achieved by Devahūti by the goodwill and satisfaction of her husband. She served her husband, who was a great devotee and saintly person, with great sincerity, love, affection and service, and Kardama Muni was satisfied. He willingly gave love of God, and he recommended that she accept it and enjoy it because he had already achieved it.
Love of God is not an ordinary commodity. Caitanya Mahāprabhu was worshiped by Rūpa Gosvāmī because He distributed love of God, kṛṣṇa-premā, to everyone. Rūpa Gosvāmī praised Him as mahā-vadānya, a greatly munificent personality, because He was freely distributing to everyone love of Godhead, which is achieved by wise men only after many, many births. Kṛṣṇa-premā, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, is the highest gift which can be bestowed on anyone whom we presume to love.
One word used in this verse, nija-dharma-dohān, is very significant. Devahūti, as the wife of Kardama Muni, achieved an invaluable gift from her husband because she was very faithful to him. For a woman the first principle of religion is to be faithful to her husband. If, fortunately, the husband is a great personality, then the combination is perfect, and the lives of both the wife and the husband are at once fulfilled.
SB 3.23.8:
Nourishing the creeper of devotion (4)
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Nourishing the creeper of devotion 4 – Finding our spiritual stimuil
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Chaitanya Charitamrita class at ISKCON, London, UK]
Podcast Summary
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QA session in London
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Nourishing our lives with the Bhagavad-gita
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Sunday feast class at ISKCON, London, UK]
Podcast Summary
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Nourishing the creeper of devotion 3 – Avoid attachment to renunciation
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Chaitanya Charitamrita class at ISKCON, London, UK]
Podcast Summary
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Strive first for devotion, then for pure devotion
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Congregation program at London, UK]
Podcast Summary
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Donetsk temple of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundara May 25, 2018 (Album…
→ Dandavats

Donetsk temple of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurasundara May 25, 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One cannot capture the blowing wind. And it is even more difficult to capture the turbulent mind. One must engage one’s mind fully in Krishna. Only then will there remain no other engagements to agitate the mind. (Bhagavad-gita 6.34, purport).
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