Chandra: I used to write an inmate in the Louisiana prison system. I forget her former name but she was initiated Sarva Laksmi dasi. On a Hari-nama in New Orleans, she approached a visiting sadhu and said, “I am the happiest woman on earth and I’ll tell you why…In the 60’s I committed a horrible crime and was sentenced to 90 years in jail…but several years ago devotees started a bhakti yoga program in the federal penitentiary where I was incarcerated. I began attending the programs and soon took up Krsna consciousness in earnest. I was trying hard to become a good devotee, so I also became a model prisoner. Two years later, after my spiritual master initiated me inside the prison, I was suddenly granted a full pardon and released. No official reason was ever given why they released me. Now I try to share my good fortune with those who are prisoners in the jailhouse of material existence.
A former inmate in the Louisiana prison now the happiest woman on earth thanks to the devotees
[March 1972: JUHU BOMBAY, INDIA – Cornerstone laying…
→ Dandavats
[March 1972: JUHU BOMBAY, INDIA – Cornerstone laying ceremony at “Hare Krishna Land”] Atreya Rsi: In the same house, Prabhupada gave me a conch, left-handed conch, and he said, “Karttikeya has been such a great host to us and is well-wisher and so generous to us, and he has given me this conch, which is supposed to bring a lot of wealth, and I want to give it to you.”
So he gave me the conch and he said, “I never expected to be able to do all this. I thought maybe we could just have some chanting, we could have a few devotees, but I never…” and he referred to all the temples, all that.
Because Prabhupada, when he was saying that “I never expected it,” he was kind of laughing at himself.
He was saying, “Hey, I went after a little fish and I caught such a huge fish, I don’t know what happened.”
So I said, “Do you remember, Prabhupada, the story of Mullah Nasiruddin where Mullah Nasiruddin is sitting by a lake and putting some yogurt in the lake.
And people say, ‘What are you doing?’
He says, ‘I am trying to see if the whole lake will catch to become yogurt.’
They say, ‘How could that be possible?’
He said, ‘Yes, it’s not possible, but what if?’”
And we both laughed and laughed, “What if? What if?”
I said, “Yours was the same thing. You just ‘what if’ and it caught on,” and he says, “Yeah,” and we just laughed around that. It was a very joyous time.
—Atreya Rsi
The Importance of Reading
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Chandramauli Swami: Krishna Katha and Krishna Kirtan must go together side by side like husband and wife, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur tells us, each one supports the other. - After a year of asking Maharaj to speak something about Kirtan, He finally agreed to speak about the importance of Krishna Kirtan along with Krishna Katha. It's such an important topic for the success of our spiritual lives! Continue reading "The Importance of Reading
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The Archbishop of Canterbury Receives Srila Prabhupada’s Books
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New Iskcon Temple in Manama, capital of Bahrain (Arabian Gulf)
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The King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa officially announced for Hindu-Sanatan spiritual organization ISKCON in Bahrain. New Hare Krishna Temple will be built in Manama very soon.... Also will have Sri Jagannath's Rathyatra on roads of Manama... Gaura Haribol!! Continue reading "New Iskcon Temple in Manama, capital of Bahrain (Arabian Gulf)
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How can we develop our relationship with the eternal using the temporary mind?
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Answer Podcast
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If I don’t have much work at my office, should I go and ask for more work?
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Answer Podcast
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Is Krishna situated in the mind or the heart – how are the two related?
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Answer Podcast
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4 reflections for overcoming fear of failure
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[E-address to Commonwealth Games participants]
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Srimad Bhagavatam in Mayapur by HG Rajendranandan Das
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Srimad Bhagavatam in Mayapur, 8.14.5, Class Speaker: HG Rajendranandan Das on 10.04.2018 (video)
Hare Krishna Movie (7 min video) Shirdika chats to the Director…
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Hare Krishna Movie (7 min video)
Shirdika chats to the Director John Griesser and writer Jean Griesser about their movie: Hare ...
Mayapur Dham Harinama, 11 April 2018 (Album with photos)
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Mayapur Dham Harinama, 11 April 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: …so far these senses are concerned, that should be under my control. I should not be servant of my senses. And that is possible when I am situated in the spiritual platform of consciousness. Otherwise it is not possible. I cannot control my senses if I am on the material plane. It is impossible. But I can control my senses… But this is possible. This is possible. It is not impossible fact. This “swami”… We are known as swami. What is the meaning of “swami”? Swami means who is the master of the senses. That is the swami. Swami means master. One who has attained the perfectional stage of controlling the senses, he is called swami or goswami, master of the senses. So this can be done by practice, by knowledge. This is not impossible. I was also young man. I also, I was also married, and I have got my wife still living, and my family is still living, but some way or other, by practicing or by some knowledge, I have come out of the clutches. So everyone can have that. Not… This dress is not the swami. Actually you can also be swami, even in your, the present dress. The dress is immaterial. The actual fact is that one should, by spiritual development of consciousness, they should come to the stage of becoming the master of the senses. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.55-58 – New York, April 15, 1966
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The Siberian devotees in Irkutsk (Album of photos)
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The Siberian devotees in Irkutsk (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The Siberian devotees in Irkutsk push on our movement despite all odds - one being extremely harsh weather. Their reward is the great joy they experience in chanting the holy names in each other’s association.
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Harinam Sankirtan: The greatest gift to this world
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Harinam Sankirtan: The greatest gift to this world
Harinam Sankirtan is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s gift to this world in this particular Kali-yuga and it’s very rare.
There are 1000 Kali-yuga’s in one-half day (day-time only) of Lord Brahmas time.
It takes 4 billion 320 million human years to travel through 1000 Maha-yugas (A cycle of Satya, Treta, Dvāpara and Kali-yuga’s) which happens in 12 hours of Lord Brahma’s day-time period from sunrise to sunset.
Then add the same duration of time (4 billion 320 million earth or human years) for Brahma’s inactive 12 hour night from sunset to sunrise to eventually see that Lord Caitanya appearance in just one Kali-yuga, the same Kali-yuga we are in now, is very, very rare.
Lord Caitanya does not appear in the other 999 Kali-yugas that all occurs during Brahma’s day from sunrise to sunset.
A 24 hour day-night period of Brahma happens over a period of 8 billion 640 million human years
There are no yugas during Brahma’s 12 hour night time period while he sleeps. Also the time between Brahma’s sunset and sunrise is when this material universe experiences a partial annihilation which happens over a period of 4 billion 320 million human years.
So one day-night 24 hour period of Brahma equals 8 billion 640 million human years as already explained.
Lord Caitanya therefore comes “once” in a day-night time of Lord Brahma and so does Krishna in His original Form at the end of a Dvāpara-yuga.
Your aspiring servant Gauragopala dasa ACBSP
Interrupting the mind’s train of thoughts 2
→ The Spiritual Scientist
[Talk at Charlotte, USA]
Podcast Summary
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Hash Bash ‘Bash Crash’ 2018 (Album with photos)
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Hash Bash ‘Bash Crash’ 2018 (Album with photos)
Deva Madhava das: Some time ago Grace started introducing herself as Gray because she felt Grace was too much to live up to. When she was younger she felt the world was an opportunity to connect with others, there was good inside all people, and that her purpose was to help everyone feel loved and cared for. Lately though, feelings of anger were coming up inside her, seemingly out of nowhere. She was regularly feeling scared and isolated from both strangers and familiar relationships and didn’t know why. But it occurred to her that maybe part of the problem was with herself, that she’d wrongly given up on living for goodness always just because it became a little tough after childhood. So just recently she started introducing herself again as Grace.. like she’d done with me, and had written a series of Philosophical essays on her own theory of the best lifestyle.. Radical Gentleness. She’d gotten a Bhagavad-Gita As It Is a few years ago and appreciated it as profound book; though she couldn’t relate how to apply it in her own life. She was relieved and grateful, after an hour of dancing in the Harinama, to get a bottle of water and a Science of Self Realization.. which is “topically organized and easier to relate to than the Gita.”
Grace is the best kind of person we could hope to meet at a Hash Bash in 2018. Far from the energized rally it used to be.. with Marijuana practically legal now and the party scene thats developed over the years.. the event, like most modern efforts, has traded in its nobler aspects for the typically crass, indulgent fluffiness of today’s social justice scene. Most thoughtful people in the Detroit area keep Hash Bash on their calendar only to remind themselves to avoid Ann Arbor that day. But we look forward to the opportunity each year. As HG Madhavanada Prabhu, who got our consciousness primed for maximum impact all week with his wonderful katha, shared after his blazing kirtan.. “Some devotees were cautioning me 'maybe its not so good this Hash Bash program.. we don’t want folks to affiliate us with this kind of crowd.’ But I can see they’re wrong, we have to be here.. look at all these people.”
Its not 1973 anymore, and that’s a good thing. Krishna Consciousness is for more, and has much more to offer, than merely what burnouts and hapless hippies can generally appreciate and accept. But that doesn’t mean those people shouldn’t get their chance.. That doesn’t mean a classic Hare Krishna street corner carnival doesn’t have its place in 2018. 6 Hours of Harinama, 2,000 servings of halva, 100+ big books and the thousands of people who heard the Holy Name last Saturday are proof “Old is Gold” as Madhavananda Prabhu puts it. Gauranga!
Deva Madhava das
Photography Courtesy: Arjun Bhattacharyya
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Daily Darshan: April 11,2018
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Murari Kirtan Valley – Vrndavan Villages (13 min video)
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Murari Kirtan Valley - Vrndavan Villages (13 min video)
ISKCON Murari Sevaka is a farm community in Mulberry, Tennessee, USA based on Srila Prabhupada’s desire to create Vrindavan villages. It was established in 1976 by Srila Prabhupada who named the presiding deities, Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra. The temple throughout the years has gone through many ups and down. However, in the recent years, it has picked up a notable momentum in the trail to fulfil Prabhupada’s desire to create Vrindavan Villages. One may ask, what exactly is a Vrindavan Village? Is it that we replicate Vrindavan Dham from India? Is it that we create farm communities to grow our own food, make cloth, etc.? is it a retreat location? Not exactly. Vrindavan is where Krishna is the life and soul of the entire village. Every breath taken is heavy with the thoughts of Syam. Every step taken is in the hope to come closer to Govinda. Rather than replicating Vrindavan Dham, far more important, Our Acharya suggest, is to imbibe the moods of the Vrajbhasis. Our Dear Srila Prabhupada at the end of his manifested life on this earthly planet emphasized the importance of establishing Vrindavan Village where Radha and Krishna are the central focus of any act. Whether we are milking the cows, making garden beds, planting trees, or cooking - everything is centered around Radha and Krishna. Life in the village is very simple which leaves more time to cultivate your internal Bhajan to Syamsundar. We have first-hand witnessed this at Murari Sevaka. There is more much to say about Murari Sevaka. However, we will reserve that for another time.
Below is a video to introduce you to the residents of Murari Sevaka. We put together this video to explain, in a concise manner, the importance of Vrindavan Villages. We ask everyone to come and bless us with your association. Come, stay for as long you like, and see for yourself if this is something that sparks a fire in your heart.
We ask that you may be merciful on us and bless us in the pursuit of fulfilling Prabhupada’s desire to create Vrindavan Villages.
Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!
Vrindavan Village ki Jai!
Gaudiya Guru Varga ki Jai!
Watch it here:
Vinker Viktor asks what benefits are there in being in the lower modes of passion and ignorance
And Darvas Csaba asks, if God is one why can’t religions get together.
Beautiful New Arabic BGAIS!
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More than two years in the making, this meticulously translated Arabic edition of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is is now being snapped up by temples all over North America and worldwide (including the UK, Europe, Aus/NZ, and even India)! Specifically designed for distribution to the millions of Arabic speaking tourists and university students visiting the West annually from the Middle East (including the large populations of foreign residents), ISKCON book distributors around the world have joyfully discovered that these visiting Middle Easterners are truly open-minded (plus seriously interested in Indian culture), and are therefore most eager to purchase it. Continue reading "Beautiful New Arabic BGAIS!
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Srila Vrndavan Das Thakur Disappearance
→ Ramai Swami
15 Rise Up Your Life – Gitavali Devi Dasi
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
In this episode… How a French Canadian mother of a 1 year old went from idea to published book within 2 weeks… without her husband even knowing about it! Her dream from Star Wars that came true when she became a devotee. What her English teacher taught her that led her to Krishna consciousness. The […]
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15 Rise Up Your Life – Gitavali Devi Dasi
→ Successful Vaisnavas – Personal Development for Hare Krishnas
In this episode… How a French Canadian mother of a 1 year old went from idea to published book within 2 weeks… without her husband even knowing about it! Her dream from Star Wars that came true when she became a devotee. What her English teacher taught her that led her to Krishna consciousness. The […]
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Does accepting our emotions mean that our getting angry is not a matter of concern?
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Answer Podcast
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How can we avoid making a ruinous mistake like Ravana made?
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When we are telling ourselves to concentrate, who is telling this – the soul or the intelligence – and to whom?
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Answer Podcast
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Three ways of perceiving Krishna’s love
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[Class at Charlotte, USA]
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Gilles le Suisse avec les dévots d’Hare Krishna…
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Gilles le Suisse avec les dévots d'Hare Krishna (video)
Radhadesh: The documentary which was shot during our festival in January finally got aired during Easter weekend. Its a wonderfully made and positive take on the Hare Krsna movement & Radhadesh with at its center the Chanting of the Holy Names, Prasadam, and Sadhu Sanga. Quite simply incredible to have such encouraging footage broadcasted on the main french Belgian tv channel. The Maha Mantra has surely reached hundreds of thousands of more ears and hearts. Thank you for all the many devotees who gave their best during the festival to ensure our special guest Gilles le Suisse a simply unique Krsna Conscious experience.
Watch it here:
Interrupting the mind’s train of thoughts 1
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[Congregation Program at Charlotte, USA]
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Most ancient festival of India called RathYatra was celebrated…
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Most ancient festival of India called RathYatra was celebrated today as “Festival of Joy” despite of freezing cold all the devotees were determined to serve his lordship “Jagannatha”!!
Such an amazing festival!! (Album with photos)
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If some Vaishnava sampradayas reject the worship of Radharani, how to respond?
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Answer Podcast
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Why don’t we get reactions to our actions in the same lifetime?
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Why don’t we get reactions to our actions in the same lifetime? QA Karma and Destiny Series (3 min video)
HG Jivanath Prabhu is sharing with us his memories (18 min. video)
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HG Jivanath Prabhu is sharing with us his memories before he met devotees and during being in the Sankirtana movement. (18 min video)
“Seminar on Japa” with His Grace Mahatma Prabhu….
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“Seminar on Japa” with His Grace Mahatma Prabhu. This seminar was given in London (video)
Indradyumna Swami in Vladivostok
Reflections on God and Evil in the Krishna Bhakti Theology of Caitanya
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In order to appreciate aspects of the relationship between God and evil in Bhakti traditions, specifically for the Krishna Bhakti tradition of Caitanya, we must apply at least some essential conceptions of the school’s complex and richly nuanced theology to our topic. First, however, we must acknowledge at least briefly what we all know about the Hindu theological palette that undergirds this school’s vision, before we can appreciate the school’s theological portraiture. Continue reading "Reflections on God and Evil in the Krishna Bhakti Theology of Caitanya
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Hinduism and the Academy: Towards a Dialogue Between Scholar and Practitioner
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Recent decades have seen persistent tension between Hindus and scholars of Hinduism. There is, for example, ongoing disagreement over how Hinduism is taught in school textbooks, how scholars portray Hindu deities in their writing, and how we ought to conceive Hinduism’s history. The accusations from both sides often become heated, with nationalist politics, colonialist agendas, and missionary zeal allegedly part of the mix. Continue reading "Hinduism and the Academy: Towards a Dialogue Between Scholar and Practitioner
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The basic sadhana underlying sankirtana
Fight or Flight: Thomas Merton and the Bhagavad Gita
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TWO commemorative events of landmark stature inspired the essay you are about to read: First, the year 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of Thomas Merton’s abrupt departure from our material vision. Second, 2018 is also the semicentennial celebration of a consequential publication: It was in 1968 that His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada released his unprecedentedly influential Bhagavad-gita As It Is. As we shall see, the trailblazing Western visionary, Merton, and this particular edition of the Gita engaged in productive conversation with each other Continue reading "Fight or Flight: Thomas Merton and the Bhagavad Gita
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Your mercy case
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(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 18 October 2017, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 4.3.17)
I have a disciple who always signs their letters with ‘your mercy case’ instead of the usual ‘your servant’. It has been consistent over many years and it is nice. It sounds good to think with that mentality, ‘I am your mercy case!’
Whatever reminds us of our humble position, that is an asset! When we are seeing ourselves as fallen, then we feel a need for shelter. As soon as we think, “Well I know it all. I have been around for a long time,” then the difficulty begins. We immediately start to derive some status from our position but by taking birth in this age of Kali, we are actually all inherently weak. So we deal with such weaknesses by chanting, taking shelter, adopting Vaishnava etiquette and ‘beating our mind’.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura advised that we must always ‘beat the mind’. He did not just say that; he actually did it. Krsna consciousness is not just about reading the books, understanding them and getting some glories – “I have now thoroughly understood Srila Prabhupada’s books in a way that they are very rarely understood.” No, rather we have to reform ourselves again and again, except that is still not the main thing; it is only a catalyst. That conscious endeavour is only the catalyst. It is one of the factors that support the real purification that comes from devotional service because ultimately, mercy is more important than our endeavour.
It is good when a child is trying to do something independently. However, when an adult interferes and provides assistance, that is obviously more powerful than the child trying to do it all alone. Sometimes, we may also need a little help from someone who knows more. So in spiritual life, we need help. We should never think, “Now I have come to the point that I do not really need help from my spiritual master. He has helped me a lot, but now I am a teacher myself! So I do not need him anymore.” Absolutely not. We always need the mercy of the spiritual master. We always need to have him to help with our attitude. We must always be at the feet of our spiritual master, talk to him, be open to him, consult him, share our lives with him and ask him for directions!
The article " Your mercy case " was published on KKSBlog.